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Entering Nirvana On June 1, 1943, after twenty-eight years of delivering the dharma, Sotaesan passed away in Iksan, Korea. Three years before he entered into Nirvana, he presented this dharma transmission verse to the public instead of to a chosen few: "Being into nonbeing and nonbeing into being, Turning & turning - in the Ultimate, Being and non-being are both void, yet this void is also complete." Before his .. 2023. 8. 25.
Spreading the Dharma atSinyong In 1924, in order to realize the goal of liberating all beings from suffering through his dharma, Sotaesan established The Won Buddhist Headquarters in Iksan. He and his students worked, practiced, and studied the dharma together. This was to realize Sotaesan’s teaching that daily life is Buddhadharma and Buddhadharma is daily life. Sotaesan had three objectives: mission, education, and charity... 2023. 8. 25.
Drafting the Won BuddhistTeaching at Mt. Bongrae From 1920 to 1924, at Bongrae Monastery in Byonsan, Sotaesan created a new dharma, one which is practical and fitting for everyone in modern society, to help liberate all sentient beings from suffering. The outline of his new teaching consisted of two methods or ways: The Essential Way of Human Life (Threefold Practice and Eight Articles) and The Essential Way of Practice (Fourfold Grace and Fou.. 2023. 8. 25.
Receiving DharmaAuthentication When work was completed on the dyke, Sotaesan asked his nine disciples to offer prayer for the salvation of all beings from April to August, 1923. On August 21, Sotaesan tested them in order to know whether their minds were selfless and pure enough to move the realm of universal truth. When the nine disciples pressed their bare thumbs on a white sheet of paper on which was written "Sacrifice wit.. 2023. 8. 25.
Building a Dam at Youngsan Shore After his enlightenment, many people began to follow Sotaesan and became his disciples. To help the poor villagers, he first taught diligence and thrift, establishing a savings association. When sufficient funds had been accumulated, Sotaesan and his nine chief followers commenced construction work for an embankment on a deserted, muddy beach on April, 1918. The work continued until March of the.. 2023. 8. 25.
Great Enlightenment at Norumok Hill In the early morning of April 28, 1916, after many years of seeking the truth, Sotaesan’s mind and heart completely opened, all of his questions melted away, and he was enlightened to the truth of Il-Won. He was twenty-six years old. Sotaesan’s Enlightenment was the birth of Won Buddhism, and the Won Buddhist Order was founded so that the truth of Il Won could reach all sentient beings. The Won .. 2023. 8. 25.